Light Up Your Life with Custom Lighting Controls

If you stop and think about it, you have lights in every room of your house, as well as outside. Some rooms have multiple lights. You probably also have several lighting fixtures outside your home too. That’s a lot of light switches. What if you could control all those lights with one control? With custom lighting controls, you can. Custom lighting controls put you in charge of all the lights both inside and outside of your home.

lighting in kitchen

The custom lighting controls would enable you to turn them off as you leave to save energy and money. Leaving all of the lights on while you are gone can really run up the bill, but running around the house turning off each and every light each time you leave can be exhausting. Being able to turn off your lights at the touch of a button can not only help you save on your electric bills, but it can also lessen the impact you have on the environment.

It has also been proven that returning to your darkened home can be a security risk. Being able to turn the lights on before you even exit your vehicle can ensure you have a safe, well-lit path into your home. Turning on the inside lights before leaving the car can mean you never walk into a dark house again. Safety can be at your fingertips.


Designing your own custom lighting system can put the light right where you want it. Interested in highlighting your shelving units to show off your trophies? Need lighting in your backyard for when you entertain? Interested in mood lighting in the bedroom? All of this can be achieved with custom lighting controls. You can select the right options for lighting all over your home. Whether you need bright, direct light, indirect lighting, a little of both, indoor or outdoor, you can select the lighting system that works for you.

(check out more pictures from our projects in the photo gallery!)

Custom lighting systems are not only convenient, and money saving, they increase the value of your home if you should decide to sell your home. With the benefits of a custom lighting system, you can light up your life just the way you like it. For more information or to request estimate, you can contact us. We would love to help you with your custom lighting needs.